Yocto: Managing Build Efficiency with RM_WORK_EXCLUDE

In Yocto Project, managing build efficiency is crucial, especially when dealing with large-scale builds that generate substantial temporary files. The rm_work feature automates cleanup of these files, optimizing storage and ensuring smooth development cycles, which we detailed in our previous post. However, there are times when certain files or directories need to be preserved to maintain build integrity.


RM_WORK_EXCLUDE provides a powerful solution to selectively exclude specific files or directories from rm_work cleanup. This ensures essential artifacts remain intact while still benefiting from automated cleanup. Here’s how you can effectively use RM_WORK_EXCLUDE:

  1. Configuring RM_WORK_EXCLUDE:
    • Define exclusion patterns in your local.conf or recipe files using RM_WORK_EXCLUDE.
    • Specify absolute paths or wildcard patterns (*) to exclude files like configuration files or directories containing cached data.
    • Example: To exclude the recipe “u-boot”,
      RM_WORK_EXCLUDE += " u-boot " 
    • Example: to exclude file or directories
      RM_WORK_EXCLUDE = " \
          /path/to/excluded/file \
          /path/to/excluded/directory/* \
          *.o \
  2. Preserving Critical Build Artifacts:
    • Exclude files specific to critical recipes or components that shouldn’t be cleaned up between builds.
    • Maintain stability and consistency in your build environment by carefully choosing what to exclude.
  3. Enhancing Build Performance:
    • By customizing RM_WORK_EXCLUDE, you optimize build performance without compromising on storage management.
    • Regularly review and update exclusion lists to adapt to evolving project requirements and dependencies.


RM_WORK_EXCLUDE empowers Yocto Project developers to strike a balance between automated cleanup and preserving essential build artifacts. Leveraging this feature effectively ensures efficient resource utilization and enhances the reliability of your build processes. Incorporate RM_WORK_EXCLUDE into your workflow to streamline development and achieve greater productivity in Yocto Project environments.

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